What is needed to take my dog into the USA?
As of December 2024,
Current regulations appear to be:
If a dog is coming from a Rabies-free or low-risk country (Canada)-
- Dogs must be at least 6 months of age and appear healthy.
-Dog must be microchipped with a chip that can be detected by a universal scanner.
-You will need a valid Rabies vaccine & certificate to return to Canada. It may also be requested in different US States/ borders.
-A CDC Import form must be completed and a receipt available to show at the border.
More information can be obtained through the CFIA website, and the US CDC website.
If a dog has been in high risk (for Rabies) country in the last 6 months, please consult these websites as the regulations are different in these cases.
**Please note that all clients are responsible for researching all the requirements needed for their pet's travel. While we try to be aware of the things needed for travel, we cannot keep up with all the changes that may happen, and therefore are not responsible for knowing all the requirements. Please make sure you know EXACTLY what is needed from us prior to your travel!