Acupuncture / Traditional Chinese Medicine
For information on the use of acupuncture in companion animals please see the following link: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Acupuncture is one of the main components which make up Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine and involves the insertion of thin sterile needles into specified points, called acupuncture points, where nerves and blood vessels converge, causing a therapeutic and healing response. From a more Western medicine perspective, these acupuncture points are thought to be places that enhance blood circulation as well as stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue, essentially stimulating the central nervous system. Scientific research now confirms that acupuncture can reduce inflammation and pain, promote tissue healing, regulate gastrointestinal motility, modulate the immune system, and improve local circulation.Chinese herbal medicine utilizes herbal ingredients listed within the Chinese Herbal Materia Medica in particular combinations or formulas to treat particular disease patterns. Dr. Chapman uses food and herbal therapy to decrease inflammation, increase energy, and heal organ dysfunction. Chinese medicine helps the body heal itself. These herbs can be used to treat many conditions like arthritis, skin problems, endocrine disease (thyroid, adrenal), kidney failure, immune-mediated disorders, and cancer.